This page updated on 12 April 2007
Recore deck and cabin-top. - 2006
Finish seams left from recore job. - 2006
Replace rotten plywood in cabin. - 2006
New head, holding tank, sink, etc. - 2006
Replumb the plumbing. - 2006
Fix the keel. 2006
Dry out and fibreglass rudder. - 2006
Paint top-sides. - 2006
Paint inside of cabin. 2006
Paint bottom. 2006
Did I mention paint everthing? - 2006
Replace gaskets around cabin windows. - Received from Holland Marine Products, Toronto, Ont.
- Used butyl caulk and adhesive as the gasket was too big in all dimensions. Perhaps other Grampians use this bigger gasket.
Inspect existing gudgeon and pintles and install stronger/larger ones if needed. replaced the existing
lower gudgeon bolts with larger new ss - 3/8" vs. 1/4" - 2006
Inspect standing rigging. Inspected 2006
Replace turnbuckles. Replaced all six with used open body type 2006
Replace running rigging. 2006
Re-install stanchions and lifelines. 2006.
Install bow pulpit. - 2006
Re-cover or replace cushions throughout boat. - To be priced. Sunbrella fabric purchased 3 July 2006. $26.00
a yard, 54in wide.
Reconfigure galley; add space for cooler or install icebox. Nah. Not this time.
Rewire the boat.- Not at this time (I have moved all electrics around, though. Batteries to starboard, new 1-2-All
switch, panel and lights).
Strenghten cockpit locker cover. Not at this time.
Install portholes in hanging locker and head. Not at this time
Craft Lexan/plexiglass into forward hatchcover. Not this time.
Install Nicro vent over head. Not this time.
Install anchor roller on bow. Not this time.