18 June 2006
I've turned another corner. I finished the basic wiring and fired up all the relevant switches....and they worked!
I will still have to add two LED lights to shine on both sinks, but that should be fairly straight forward.
I needed to redo the wiring, mainly because the original factory design were three push-pull switches on the quaterberth.
This meant either knocking against them in a seaway or worse, turning them off at the wrong time. The fact I had the 'new'
electric start/alternator engine added to the need to update the whole system.
I first determined I would move the batteries from port to starboard because the engine will be on the port side. Then
I wanted to have a two battery system. This necessitated a battery switch. Needless to say, the routing of wiring from the
battery bus to the battery selector switch then to the new switch panel and onward to the distribution bus was a long, thought-provoking
process. It is not a pretty job, but it works.